Listen to Mrs Moody

Wednesday 9 November 2011

3C and 3L playing the flyswat game

Year 3 have been learning about transport in Japanese. They are playing the flyswat game to practice the transportation vocabulary.
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1S playing the flyswat game

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Kindergarten and Year 1 playing the flyswat game, using numbers in Indonesian

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2T playing the flyswat game using Indonesian numbers

KP playing the flyswat game

Here is a short video of how to play the Flyswat game, featuring KP.

2C Flyswat game

YEar 2 are practising the numbers from 1 - 20 in Indonesian. In the 'flyswat game', students are arranged into 3 colour teams, then mixed between three circles. They play for their 'colour team.' Mrs Moody calls out a number in Indonesian, and the first person in each circle to swat the correct number, collects the card. At the end of the game, the cards are counted and scores are tallied for each colour. The colour team with the most cards / highest score is the winner! It's a fast, fun and furious game!
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1S Berapa umur kamu?

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1H Berapa umur kamu?

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Thursday 3 November 2011

6C Classroom skit

Year 6 have been writing skits in Japanese using 'kore' (this), 'sore' (that) and 'are' (that over there). Here is our first group. Yoku dekimashita ne!

Monday 24 October 2011

1S - "Siapa nama Anda?" video

1S have been learning how to ask people their name in Indonesian. The video above is of 1S working hard asking and recording everybody's secret identities. They are asking "Siapa nama Anda?" (What's your name?), and answering with "Nama saya ______" (My name is _______.)

1H- "Siapa nama Anda?"

1H have been learning how to ask people their names, using "Siapa nama Anda?" Today they were given 'secret identities', and they had to ask each other for their secret identity. They answered with "Nama saya ______" (My name is _________.)

KD - "Berapa umur kamu?" (How old are you?)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

2C video - "Berapa umur kamu?"

Listen to these fantastic students practising asking each other their ages in Indonesian - "Berapa umur kamu?"
They answer with "Umur saya (number in Indonesian) tahun". Bagus!
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Berapa umur kamu? How old are you?

Studentslearning Indonesian in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 have started learning how to ask somebody their age. In their lesson today they had to wear a party hat with a number on the inside. This was their 'new age' for the lesson. They practised asking "Berapa umur kamu?" - "How old are you?". They then had to say their 'new age' in Indonesian, using "Umur saya (Number in Indonesian) tahun." - " I am ( ) years old." All students received many stamps and a party lolly for their wonderful efforts!
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Thursday 8 September 2011

K-2 Indonesian, doctor and patient script practice video

K-2 Indonesian students are learning the script in this video in order to make their own skit. Please help them  listen and repeat their lines. D: doctor, P: patient. The body parts are in Indonesian. An English translation of the script is on a previous post. Terima Kasih!

Doctor and patient script practice for k-2 Indonesian

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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Doctor and patient script - K-2 Indonesian

K-2 are learning the following script for their skit to be videoed next week. 
If you have time, please help them practise their lines.
 Check back next week for lots of skit videos.

Doctor: Siapa nama Anda?

Patient: Nama saya 'patient's name'

Doctor: Apa kabar?

Patient: Saya kurang baik.

then either:      Saya sakit 'body part in Indonesian'.

or:                   'Body part in Indonesian saya patah.

Doctor: O kasihan.


Doctor: What's your name?
Patient : My name is _________.
Doctor: How are you?
Patient: I'm not good.
            I have a sore ____________.
OR       I have a broken __________.
Doctor: You poor thing!

Wednesday 31 August 2011

KP playing 'Sensei Says'

Here's a video of KP playing 'Sensei Says' (Simon Says), a fun revision and language practice game. Students need to listen to the body part in Indonesian and touch that part only if 'Sensei Says' is said before the body part. If the teacher does not say 'Sensei Says' before the body part word, students need to keep their hands on the previous body part - moving their hands to any other body part will make them get out.

Monday 29 August 2011

5S - 'When is your birthday?'

Year 5 are learning about the months in Japanese. The video above is of six students asking and saying when their birth month is by using "Otanjoobi wa nangatsu desu ka?" and "____ gatsu desu".

1S and their 'Body Building'

To the outsider, this video probably looks like chaos, but it's really 'organised chaos'. K-2 have been 'Body Builders', creating somewhat random descriptions of cartoon characters by passing their sheets around to other students to write adjectives in the blanks. You can tell that 1S students are all 'on task' and having a great time! Next lesson, the students will draw their cartoon character as described on their sheets.

Video of 1H playing Fruit Salad game, using body parts in Indonesian

1H playing Fruit Salad game, using body parts in Indonesian

1H have been revising body parts in Indonesian by playing the Fruit Salad game. Students are in two teams and each pair is given the same word, and when their word is called out they have to run down the line and the first back to their initial position receives a point for their team.

Monday 22 August 2011

5A's Classroom Commands in Japanese

Year 5 have been learning classroom commands in Japanese.
Tatte kudasai - Please stand
Mite kudasai - Please look / watch
Kiite kudasai - Please listen
Hon O hiraite kudasai - Please open your book
Hon O tojite kudasai - Please close your book
Shizuka ni shite kudasai - Please be quiet
Suwatte kudasai - Please sit down

1S's Aliens

And lucky last, here are 1S's aliens!

Thursday 18 August 2011

Fun games in Indonesian!

Students in Indonesian have been practising asking where body parts are by playing with Mr Potato Head , and interacting with animal puppets.

KS asking "Di mana _____ Anda?" Where is your ____?

KS have learnt how to ask "Di mana _____ Anda?" Where is your __________?.
Three students in the video are asking where your lidah (tongue), mata (eyes) and telinga (ears) are.

1B's puppet video

K-2 Indonesian students are learning to ask where things are, using parts of their body and puppets as examples. They ask "Di mana_______ saya?" - Where is my ______?
For example - "Di mana telinga saya?" - Where is my ear?
If they point to the wrong body part, the other students say "tidak" (no), if correct, the students say "ya" (yes).

Monday 15 August 2011

1H's Aliens

Posted by PicasaSome more Indonesian-description aliens, as drawn by class 1H. Aren't they magnificent!?!

Wednesday 10 August 2011

3C's Japanese colour survey

Here is a short video of six 3C students surveying each other about their favourite colours, in Japanese. Their class's favourite colour was..... no need to!

3L's Japanese colour survey

3L are practising their Japanese by asking each other "Nani iro ga suki desu ka?" (What colour do you like?), and answering with their favourite colour in Japanese + suki desu. Guess what the class's favourite colour was? Ao - blue!

1B's Alien pictures

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KP's Alien pictures

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2C's Alien pictures

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2T's Alien pictures

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Thursday 4 August 2011

KD's Alien drawings

KD drew these Aliens from descriptions given to them in Indonesian. From the same descriptions, they have produced a wonderful variety of awesome Aliens! They are very talented, don't you think?!
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KS's Alien drawings

Here are some photos of KS students with their Alien drawings in their Indonesian lesson today.
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KS's Alien drawings in Indonesian

Kindergarten has been learning to use adjectives in Indonesian to describe body parts. Mrs Moody read them all the same description in Indonesian of an 'alien' and they had to draw what they thought it looked like.
Some of the descriptions were:
Dia kepala besar - He has a big head.
Dia telinga panjang - He has long ears.
Dia mata kecil - He has little eyes.
What an imaginative group of students! Aren't their drawings fabulous?!
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