Listen to Mrs Moody

Thursday 8 September 2011

K-2 Indonesian, doctor and patient script practice video

K-2 Indonesian students are learning the script in this video in order to make their own skit. Please help them  listen and repeat their lines. D: doctor, P: patient. The body parts are in Indonesian. An English translation of the script is on a previous post. Terima Kasih!

Doctor and patient script practice for k-2 Indonesian

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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Doctor and patient script - K-2 Indonesian

K-2 are learning the following script for their skit to be videoed next week. 
If you have time, please help them practise their lines.
 Check back next week for lots of skit videos.

Doctor: Siapa nama Anda?

Patient: Nama saya 'patient's name'

Doctor: Apa kabar?

Patient: Saya kurang baik.

then either:      Saya sakit 'body part in Indonesian'.

or:                   'Body part in Indonesian saya patah.

Doctor: O kasihan.


Doctor: What's your name?
Patient : My name is _________.
Doctor: How are you?
Patient: I'm not good.
            I have a sore ____________.
OR       I have a broken __________.
Doctor: You poor thing!