Listen to Mrs Moody

Monday 24 October 2011

1S - "Siapa nama Anda?" video

1S have been learning how to ask people their name in Indonesian. The video above is of 1S working hard asking and recording everybody's secret identities. They are asking "Siapa nama Anda?" (What's your name?), and answering with "Nama saya ______" (My name is _______.)

1H- "Siapa nama Anda?"

1H have been learning how to ask people their names, using "Siapa nama Anda?" Today they were given 'secret identities', and they had to ask each other for their secret identity. They answered with "Nama saya ______" (My name is _________.)

KD - "Berapa umur kamu?" (How old are you?)

Wednesday 19 October 2011

2C video - "Berapa umur kamu?"

Listen to these fantastic students practising asking each other their ages in Indonesian - "Berapa umur kamu?"
They answer with "Umur saya (number in Indonesian) tahun". Bagus!
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Berapa umur kamu? How old are you?

Studentslearning Indonesian in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 have started learning how to ask somebody their age. In their lesson today they had to wear a party hat with a number on the inside. This was their 'new age' for the lesson. They practised asking "Berapa umur kamu?" - "How old are you?". They then had to say their 'new age' in Indonesian, using "Umur saya (Number in Indonesian) tahun." - " I am ( ) years old." All students received many stamps and a party lolly for their wonderful efforts!
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