Listen to Mrs Moody

Monday 5 November 2012

Quizlet - greetings and asking someone how they are, in Italian

Italian greetings quizlet

Click on the text below to use the quizlet

Formula Italiano 1 Chapter 3 Greetings and asking someone how they are

'Where do you fly funny butterfly?' Indonesian children's song

Kupu kupu yang lucu ke mana engkau terbang

Hilir mudik mencari bunga bunga yang kembang

Berayunayun pada tangkai yang lemah

Tidakkah sayapmu merasa lelah.

Kupu kupu yang elok

Bolehkah saya serta mencium bunga bunga yang semerbak baunya

Sambil bersenda semua ku hampiri

Bolehkah ku turut bersama pergi

Bolehkah ku turut bersama pergi

Where do you fly funny butterflies?

To and fro finding flowers in full bloom.

Swinging on the weak stem,

Won’t your wings become tired?

Beautiful butterflies

May I also smell the fragrant scent of flowers

All of my amusement, turning toward (??)

Can I join together to go?

Can I join together to go?

Click on the arrow below to watch the video

Sunday 29 July 2012

Tablets in the Primary Language classes

Georges River Grammar has obtained 20 Android tablets for use in Languages in the primary school. These were totally funded by a grant from the Australian Government through the School Languages Program and the National Asian Languages and Studies in Schools Program. Students in the primary school are learning Indonesian in Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2, and students in grades 3 – 6 are learning Italian. Mrs Moody’s students are looking forward to using the tablets in class to learn and practise Indonesian and Italian. For instance, students can use language-specific apps that are on the tablets, take photos, record short videos, and use the internet to practise and use their knowledge of Indonesian and Italian.

Kompetisi siswa - Indonesian 'student competition'

Kompetisi Siswa 2012 is a ‘student competition’ for NSW students of Indonesian language in Years K-10. It is a competition run by The Indonesian Language Teachers Association (ILTA) as part of the NSW Modern Language Teachers Association (MLTA) and the Australia Indonesia Association (AIA), in conjunction with the Indonesian Consulate. Only six students from each category can enter. Six students from Year 2 (in the K-2 category) were chosen to enter this year’s Kompetisi Siswa. The students had to draw, and label in Indonesian, a picture of their family (KELUARGA SAYA). We had many fantastic entries, and it was very difficult to narrow down the selection to just six entries. Congratulations to our six entrants.

4B Italian - "Come ti chiami?" role play

4T Italian "Come ti chiami?"

Years 3 -6 are learning how to ask someone for their name, in Italian. They ask "Come ti chiami?" They have learnt to use "Mi chiamo....." to say their name in Italian. All students in Years 3 - 6 have been given an Italian name to use during their Italian lessons, and they used these names in this speaking and listening activity. If they were unsure of how to spell someone's Italian name, they asked "Come si scrive?", and the other person used the Italian alphabet pronunciations to spell their Italian name.

Sunday 10 June 2012

Listen, repeat and practise the Italian radio skit script

Watch and listen to the video of the Italian radio skit script. Practise your part by repeating your lines. You will need to insert where each person lives, their names, and ages (in Italian numbers). 

Thursday 7 June 2012

Year 1 Indonesian colours - Eggspert game

Year 1 are playing the Eggspert game to practise their colours in Indonesian.

Monday 4 June 2012

Year 5 Italian radio skit

Year 5 students are learning how to ask and tell people their name, age and where they live, in Italian. This is the script template that they will use to perform a short skit in a group of four (4) people. These skits will be videoed and uploaded onto this website. Watch this space!

(Remember to use ‘benvenuto’ – welcome (to a male), and ‘benvenuta’ – welcome (to a female).)

Radio Announcer (RA), Person 1 (P1), Person 2 (P2), Person 3 (P3)

RA:  Buongiorno. Come ti chiami?

P1: Buongiorno. Mi chiamo name……. sono di town/city.

RA: Benvenuto/a, name (P1). Quanti anni hai?

P1:  Age (in Italian numbers).

RA:  E tu, come ti chiami?

P2:  Mi chiamo name (P2), io ho age (in italian numbers) anni e        sono di town/city.

RA:  Benvenuto/a. E tu, sei name (P3) ?

P3:  Si, io sono name (P3), ho age (in italian numbers) anni e sono di town/city.

RA: Piacere name (P3).

1B and 1G playing Indonesian colours spelling / buzzer game

1B Indonesian colour spelling / buzzer game

1B played a spelling game in Indonesian today. They were divided into 4 groups, and were told the English names of two colours. They then had to translate the colour words into Indonesian, then spell them with the alphabet cards. The first group that spelt the words correctly received 2 points, and the other groups received one point. All the teams had a great time and played the game with great enthusiasm!

Kompetisi Siswa 2012 - Year 2

The Indonesian Language Teachers Association (ILTA) as part of the NSW Modern Language Teachers Association (MLTA)* and the Australia Indonesia Association (AIA), in conjunction with the Indonesian Consulate, Sydney proudly present Kompetisi Siswa 2012 for NSW students of Indonesian language in Years K-10.
The topic for 2012 is

Years K-2                     Draw and label a picture KELUARGA SAYA (MY FAMILY)  (A3 size)

There is a limit of SIX entries per category       Closing date:              Friday 29 June 2012 

Year 2 students will be participating in this year's Kompetisi Siswa. They need to create a labelled A3 poster about their family (Keluarga saya). Six of the posters will be chosen to enter the competition. Year 2 students can complete their posters (in Indonesian ONLY) at home as we do not have enough class time to work on them. Posters will need to be 'flat' and submitted to Mrs Moody by Wed June 20th. No extensions will be given. 

The family terms in Indonesian are given below. 

kakek saya     my grandfather
nenek saya    my grandmother
bapak saya    my father
ibu saya          my mother
saya                 me
adik perempuan saya    my younger sister
adik laki-laki                    my younger brother
kakak perempuan          my older sister
kakak laki-laki                 my older brother
paman saya              my uncle
bibi saya                     my aunt
sepupu saya      my cousin

If students want to add the person's name they can make another sentence after the label, using 'Namanya........'
Eg. Ini kakek saya. (This is my grandfather)    Namanya Bob. (His name is Bob).   Please do not use English on the poster, just use Indonesian. Try to be creative and make it fun and interesting!

Let's play Quizzard!

Year 1 Quizzard game - warna (colours)

Year 1 have been learning colours in Indonesian. Here is a short video of some of them playing the Quizzard game.

Thursday 24 May 2012

KW Indonesian numbers flyswat game

KC & KW Flyswat game

KC and KW are practising their numbers in Indonesian by playing a 'flyswat game'. Students are in  3 colour teams, and when they are told a number in Indonesian they have to swat the correct number with their flyswat.

Sunday 20 May 2012

More Italian numbers!

Click on the link below to practise numbers in Italian. Hover over the number on the website to hear the pronunciation, and read how to spell it too!

Italian numbers - listening practice

Monday 14 May 2012

Years 1 and 2 are learning colours (warna) in Indonesian

Click on the link below to practise colours in Indonesian, then play the game afterwards. Note: this site uses 'oranye' for 'orange', in class we are using 'jingga' for orange.
Indonesian colour game

Do you know which number is considered unlucky in Italy??

In Italian culture, the number 17 is considered unlucky. When viewed as the Roman numeral, XVII, it is then changed anagrammatically to VIXI, which in the Latin language it translates to "I have lived", the perfect implying "My life is over." 

Monday 26 March 2012

Numbers 1 - 100 in Italian

Click on the link below to practise numbers 1 - 100 in Italian. We are currently learning 1 - 20.
Numbers 1 - 100 in Italian

Number song in Italian 1 -10

Click on the link below to see and hear a number song for 1 - 10 in Italian.
Warning: it may get stuck in your head!!

Number song 1 - 10 in Italian

Thursday 22 March 2012

KC "Apa kabar? skit #4

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa baik baik - I feel really good.
Saya merasa lapar - I feel hungry.

KC "Apa kabar?" skit #3

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa haus - I feel thirsty.
Saya merasa marah - I feel angry.

KC "Apa kabar?" skit #2

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa baik baik - I feel really good.
Saya merasa kurang baik - I feel not so good.

KC "Apa kabar?" skit #1

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa haus - I feel thirsty.
Saya merasa baik baik - I feel really good.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #6

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa sedih - I feel sad.
Saya merasa kurang baik - I feel not so good.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #5

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa haus - I feel thirsty.
Saya merasa baik baik - I feel really good.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #4

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa gembira - I feel happy.
Saya merasa sedih - I feel sad.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #3

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa baik baik  - I feel really good.
Saya merasa sakit - I feel sick.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #2

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."

Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa baik baik - I feel really good.
Saya merasa gembira - I feel happy.

KW "Apa kabar?" skit #1

Kindergarten are learning how to ask someone how they are, in Indonesian, by saying "Apa kabar?". To say how they feel, they say "Saya merasa......."
Apa kabar? - How are you?
Saya merasa haus - I feel thirsty.
Saya merasa lapar - I feel hungry.

4B Alphabet in Italian Z-A

Year 4 are practising saying the alphabet in Italian (backwards!) Z-A

4T Alphabet in Italian A-Z

Year 4 are practising saying the alphabet in Italian A-Z.

Saturday 10 March 2012


Wordle is a fun web tool to make a 'collage' based on a list of words. Click on the link below to see a Wordle generated from random words from this website. It's easy to make your own!

Click here to see this website's Wordle

Friday 9 March 2012

Italian vocabulary game - Have a go!

 Click on the link below to play the 'Dustbin' game to practise the Italian you have been learning so far this year.       Drag and drop the Italian words onto their matching 'dustbin'. How fast do you think you'll be? (Numbers have been included as you will be learning them very soon!)
                                                                                                                                                                Italian March 2012 'Dustbin' vocabulary game

Thursday 1 March 2012

KC playing 'Indonesian whispers'

This short video is of KC playing 'Indonesian whispers' to practise greetings in Indonesian.

KW playing 'Indonesian whispers'

KW have been learning greetings in Indonesian. This short video is of them playing 'Indonesian whispers' to practise saying, hearing and reading the greetings in Indonesian.

Parent / grandparent helpers in Year 4 Italian classes

Many thanks to our parent / grandparent helpers for donating their valuable time to enrich the Italian learning experience for students in Year 4. It is wonderful for the students to have contact with native Italian speakers from our school community! Your presence reinforces to our students the importance and relevance of learning another language. Grazie mille. :-)
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Practise the alphabet in Italian!

Check out this YouTube clip for Italian alphabet practice.

L'Alfabeto YouTube clip

Wednesday 29 February 2012

Keluarga - Indonesian 'family'

Years 1 and 2 are learning about family in Indonesian. To practise the words in Indonesian, have a look at this quizlet.
You can enable audio, however as Indonesian unfortunately is not enabled on the site, it will only pronounce the English terms. There are some games that you can play with  the cards below the set.

Click here for Indonesian family quizlet

L'alfabeto italiano

Click on the link below to practise the Italian alphabet. You can listen to the pronunciation of each letter by 'enabling audio'. Have fun!

Click here for L'Alfabeto Italiano quizlet

Practise your Italian on Mrs Moody's quiz

Click here to go to the quiz

This quizlet is for page 6 of Formula Italian Student Book 1. Students can practise their pronunciation of the words that we have been learning this week. Have a go! It's 'fantastico'! You can listen to the words in English and Italian, and also play games with the cards. Make sure you 'enable audio' above the cards.

Thursday 23 February 2012

3G Italian spelling game video

3G are playing a spelling game in Italian. It is a race for the first team to spell the given word correctly. The word in this round was 'cappuccino'.

3G Italian spelling game

3G have been practising spelling Italian words that they use everyday. They firstly brainstormed Italian words that they already use in daily life, and then they participated in a spelling game. Check out their video on the next post!
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